What better way to start the year (well almost start the year) than with a bit of art? As you can presumably guess by the title, I want to share with you lovely people today the absolutely brilliant artwork of the Californian artist Anna Valdez. I came across her artwork on Twitter yesterday, and naturally was attracted to the bold, vibrant colour schemes and gorgeous intertwining of patterns, so of course I had to find out more. It turns out that Anna is a fabulously diverse artist, turning her hand to a broad array of mediums from animation, painting, drawing, prints and textiles, and producing stunning pieces in each. I personally love how Anna combines and arranges within her work a random assortment of things within the surrounding environment. She then brings them to life with colours, patterns, textures and shapes that collide together and unite perfectly, despite their diversity. I also adore the tribal aspects within her work, something that I studied during A Level art, and the way she evidently takes inspiration from her culture and the sublime Californian landscape around her. So with that, here are some of my favourite Anna Valdez pieces to brighten up your life and new year...

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