Wednesday, 17 June 2015

How To Make Fifteens (aka heaven)


Hello lovely readers! Hope you're all well and happy and managing to enjoy this rather peculiar good/ bad weather that is oh so typical of good ol' Blighty. Just like my last post, I feel I once again must apologise profoundly for the lack of posts the last ten days or so. It's been so, so strange not blogging every other day and I've missed writing on here soooooo much, but just like the last time I wrote, life has been pretty hectic for me the last couple of weeks and I just feel like I haven't properly had the time to organise my massive list of blog post ideas and actually sit down and write them. Since I last wrote I've been travelling to and from Manchester, seen family and friends, been volunteering, been doing work experience at a fantastic local school, enjoying my last few days as a first year and with my wonderful flat and perhaps most importantly the time finally came to move out of Flat 68, say goodbye to my brilliant first year home that I'll always hold so dearly in my heart, and come back home to Derby for the summer. It's been one heck of an emotional rollercoaster and I'm trying to adjust to both being back home as well as transitioning between my life in Derby and life in Manchester (sometimes I really do feel like a less glamorous and countrified Hannah Montana).

Anyhow this evening, after getting back from work experience, I decided I'd get ye olde blogging ball rolling again (I felt it was imperative I do so as I'm now officially the UoM BlogSOC Social Secretary!!! I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!) and there was no better way to kick things off then by sharing with you what could quite possibly be the most amazing food item in the whole entire world: Fifteens. I had no idea that these glorious sweet treats were even a thing until earlier this year when my lovely Irish pal Amy made them for me and my friends one afternoon, and we all fell head over heels in love with them. I feel like we all deserved a medal for our outstanding ability to restrain our overwhelming inner urge to eat the entire batch in one go, because these Fifteens were that good. Apparently according to Amy, Fifteens are actually an infamous delicacy in Ireland, so I feel like it's my duty dear readers to share with you lovely people what the Irish have been greedily keeping to themselves all these years. We deserve this goodness in our lives too. So I'm here to give you the gift of Fifteens because these things will seriously change your life the better. No joke. They're simply amazing and ridiculously easy to make too, so with that, here's the recipe I made up and followed (created lovingly through my fave past time of winging it) for you to hopefully enjoy as much as I do...



You will need:
15 digestive biscuits
15 glacé cherries
15 mini marshmallows
Dessicated coconut (to cover)
8-10 spoonfuls of condensed milk

Put the digestive biscuits in a large bowl and break into crumbs using the end of a rolling pin.

Cut the cherries into quarters and add to the mix, followed by the marshmallows.

Spoon in the condensed milk and mix the mixture together until it combines together, then break off individual parts and roll into little balls.

Roll each ball in dessicated coconut till evenly covered and when all balls are done place on a plate and put in the fridge for 30 minutes- 1 hour.

Enjoy and don't even try to resist the urge to eat them all within two hours of making them. Me and my family easily devoured them in less than that time they were that good.


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