Tuesday 22 March 2016

Corrinne James



I'm just going to say this. I am hugely, madly and utterly in love. With Corrinne James' artwork. I want to write a little intro paragraph about it, as I always do on these kinds of posts, but I feel like the words are either a) going to come out in this mushy gushy ungrammatical stream of uncontrollable adoration or b) won't quite do Corrinne's work the justice it truly deserves. It's a fine line to tread, dear readers, but I'll give it a go. I discovered Corrinne by chance the other day, whilst simultaneously scrolling through the Rookie Instagram  and watching Pretty Little Liars. Corrinne has done numerous designs for Tavi Gevinson's brilliant online empire and community, Rookie, as well as other clients, and is currently a student at the University of Virginia, studying Media and Studio Art. Being the good student that she is, Corrinne balances her studies alongside her creative and artistic pursuits, which include making stunning 2D work, film, animation and music. She also hopes to progress into story writing and illustration in future, aka essentially using her a.m.a.z.i.n.g talents to make the world a much better and happier place.

Hailing from a family of creatives, it's evident when looking at Corrinne's work to see how a rich amalgamation of different creative sources have fed into her designs and inspired her, as has her experimentation with different creative mediums allowed her to further explore her artistic talents and find her unique style and voice. Corrinne proudly declares herself a colour obsessive and loves to incorporate it into her artwork in a somewhat groovy psychedelic, funk-like, rainbow-explosion kind of manner. The colours in her artwork are bold, bright, vibrant, joyous, perfectly balanced, and interestingly, their selection is often emotion-led, with Corrinne choosing certain colours to reflect and channel certain emotions into her art. There's a hidden intent, a secret personal meaning, which is something I find to be kind of intriguing. You almost feel like there's an unspoken connection and communication between artist and observer. I also love how Corrinne's work in general is informed by a deeper wealth of inspiration, emotion, meaning, intent. Her work is multi-layered, with the colours, words, shapes, layout all interlocking together to represent an overarching idea and theme.

For me personally, I adore Corrinne's work because it's so full of life and soul. It's so original, so spirited, so alive. Like a moth drawn to a light, or a bee to a hive, much like Corrinne I am also a colour obsessive, and the sensory stimulation from her work makes the visual parts of my brain go into a blissful heavenly overdrive. Not a lot of artists use colour so confidently, strongly and unapologetically in their work, with many applying it in doses here and there, or following particular palettes or predetermined rules regarding which colours should go with which. Corrinne, on the other hand, is evidently a colour master, with her application surely determined by a secret sixth sense because in every single piece, she expertly chooses all these individual tones and shades, and somehow balances them together in perfect colour harmony. Similarly, she uses her literary skills within her work to transmit uplifting, positive and encouraging messages. It's like her work is a little pocket full of sunshine, sent to earth from heaven to, brighten everyone's day, just a little bit.

I think Corrinne is quite possibly the most talented up and coming artist/ illustrator that I've seen in a long time, and you only have to read one of her interviews to realise that she has a very unique connection and understanding with art. This is a girl who is meant to create. This is a girl who has art and creativity literally pouring through her veins, dear readers, and I have not the slightest doubt whatsoever, that Corrinne is going to set the world alight in a blaze of colourful artistic magic.






  1. Ok, now I think I might be a little bit in love with Corrinne James too. Beautiful illustrations and I love the meaning too. xx

    Grace | Glitter and Carousels

    1. Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one! :) her work is simply gorgeous!xx


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