Tuesday 13 September 2016

Eugenia Loli


So let's talk about something rather important here: the artwork of the mind boggingly talented artist Eugenia Loli. I don't think my life can carry on until I've done my part in sharing these breathtaking, intricate, incredible creations with you, in the hopes you enjoy her work as much as I do. Eugenia, who originally hails from Greece, now resides in California and originally worked as a nurse, computer programmer and technology journalist, before going on to fully pursue her magnificent artistic ambitions. Describing herself as a filmmaker and modern vintage collage artist, Eugenia is one of those people who is seemingly born with that primitive urge to create already surging through her veins. She is an artist in the truest sense, with her work being a talented form of self expression that also resonates, captures and speaks to its audience. Eugenia often creates purposefully, with her collages in particular structured by a framework that's designed to impart meaning. What we presume to be an impulsive choice is in fact the very opposite: every choice carries intent, messages, commentaries, and I find it so interesting for an artist to have such ownership over her work. How the work empowers the artist whilst the artist empowers the work.

Eugenia creates her collages by building them up around a base image, expertly intertwining and juxtaposing this spectrum of imagery together. Sometimes the calibration of the images is natural and immediate, other times more thought and consideration is involved. But whatever the method, the result is always a multi-dimensional creation that stuns, wows and awes. There's so much going on in each piece, and each one seems to always make sense, even when you're looking at this hyper-reality which simultaneously boggles and amazes the brain.You can enjoy Eugenia's work purely on an aesthetic level: the colours, the patterns, the structures, the quirkiness of the overall image. The simple components that join together to make that signature complexity. Or, on the converse, you can allow yourself to be drawn right into the heart of that complexity, and enjoy Eugenia's work on a much deeper and more meaningful level. The choice is yours. So in light of that, I'd love to share with you some of my favourite pieces, of which there are many (I don't think I own the decisive gene), and I hope you find looking at Eugenia's brilliant work to be an enlightening, fabulous and inspiring experience.

All work belongs to the wonderful Eugnia Loli, and you can find all the images and more by clicking on the link below!



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