This last weekend there's been a few tears in my flat with one of my flatmates having had his girlfriend break up with him out the blue, and another's ex has been a right *enter offensive word here* again, saying some rather horrible things to her. Now I love these two flatmates dearly, and they are two of the most amazing and lovely people you could ever hope to meet. They're just truly brilliant people, simply one of a kind, which is why seeing them fall apart and hurt like I did this weekend literally breaks my heart. It's that whole thing of bad things happening to good people, and right at this moment in time I bet it's hard for them to see how on earth they're going to get through this rather crappy time. Throughout this last weekend I've seen them trying to smile and laugh and be their normal selves, but of course it's hard to maintain that front when you're hurting inside, and I admire them so much for having the courage to try and do that, because I really don't know if I could.
Of course in life I too have had some times when I've struggled to keep going and stay strong, putting on a brave face so that no-one is none the wiser. I've had those times when you really just don't understand how things could possibly get better or when this hurting will end, as I'm sure you have too. We all have our own issues, obstacles, setbacks, we all have those times when it's so hard to stay afloat, and granted of course some people do unfortunately have it a lot worse than others, but whatever the cause of the hurting, the pain, the stone threatening to sink us, we all hurt the same inside. And it's horrible feeling that way, but I'm the world's biggest advocate that everything happens for a reason, and I know from personal experience that all the times I've struggled to get by and stay afloat have eventually lead me to something positive. I have always managed to take something positive away from the negative experience and use it to my advantage, or sometimes the negatives have lead me straight into something positive that I know I wouldn't have found had I not suffered to get there before hand. It's a bit crappy that the suffering has to happen, but I know sometimes it just has to, and it's worth it when you know what you can find on the other side of it.
So even though it can be so, so hard to keep on fighting through sometimes, you have to try and carry on. You owe it to yourself to find that hope and strength within you, no matter how small it may be, and cling to it with everything you've got. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. It doesn't matter if those footsteps are big or small. All that truly does matter is that you keep moving forwards, onwards and upwards, no matter how hard it might be to do that. Because somewhere along the line, you will stop and look around only to realise that you made it out of the darkness and into the bright, beautiful, glorious light. You will look around and realise how far you've come, that you lead yourself into a better tomorrow, and it will feel amazing. Trust me, so don't you give up, I believe in you, and I know you can make it, and I hope you can see that too.

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