Fred Tomaselli
Back in ye olde days ie. two years ago (how times flies) when I was doing my AS Art qualification, I did a project centred around the human body. As part of my research, I looked into the different ways artists had approached recreating the human body in terms of works of art. How had they gone about crafting it with their artistic, aesthetic, creative visions? Well one of the finds I made a certain American artist called Fred Tomaselli, and let me tell you my friend, his work will make your jaw drop all the way to Australia (or England, if you happen to be from down under). It's simply mesmerising. All these different patterns, textures, colours, shapes, constructions, imagery, minute details all collaborate together against a midnight black background to make the most sublime pieces of artwork you could ever imagine. Fred's work sees the marriage of science and art and aren't the ravishing results this combination yields simply incredible?
If you love Fred's work (gold star for ya there) then head here.

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