Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Taylor Swift, Wonderland Nov/Dec 2014

Wonder: The new edition is out this month and Taylor's style transformation is sure to be a hit with fans 

How stunning/ striking/ beautiful does Taylor Swift look in the November/ December 2014 edition of Wonderland magazine?! When I came across these photos I was so intrigued by the approach the hair and make-up team at Wonderland had taken when it came to styling Taylor for this issue, what with the dark eyebrows, hair and tanned skin. It's all very different to Taylor's normal fresh, elegant, classy and absolutely sublime girl-next-door-esque look (what a mouthful those adjectives were). but I honestly do think that she looks rather incredible and there's almost a kind of magnetic quality radiating from her too. With regards to Taylor's brand new album '1989', this magazine cover ties in with its release, and boy what a success that album has been with over 1.3 million (trillion, gazillion) copies worldwide. Personally it's not to my taste as I'm more a fan of her guitar lead songs, but regardless of that, I adore Taylor infinitely and am so happy that she's receiving the success that she well and truly deserves. Long live T. Swizzle!!!

-All photos are property of Wonderland magazine-

Gritty: The playful images are off-set with a frank interview in the popular glossy, in which she discusses her love life and online abuse

New look: The chart-topper sports an '80s-inspired aesthetic for one picture in the forthcoming edition of Wonderland

Classy: Another picture sees her wear a sixties-inspired cocktail dress with buttons and pointed shoes

Wonderland is in store from Thursday 14th November 2014.

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