Friday, 25 July 2014

Chocolate Pancakes Step by Step

Today I'm going to share with you my recipe for chocolate pancakes, which I came up with today and ate in the garden in the sunshine with my sis as seen in the piccy above. She ate hers for breakfast, I ate mine for lunch. It was 1 o'clock, not the normal time for pancakes, let alone chocolate pancakes. However I guess that proves that these pancakes can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner and pudding! Multi functional pancakes for the win!! And with that, let us begin...

Now it's worth noting that these pancakes aren't super healthy, however they do have the advantage 
of being home-made, meaning you know exactly what's going in to them and all the ingredients are vair vair wholesome (or wholesome enough).  Plus you get to choose what you put on the pancake, more of which is to come later, and again choose how healthy or naughty you feel like being (we chose half'n'half).
And lastly, these pancakes are soooo easy to make and to make plain pancakes just follow the
recipe minus the cocoa powder and sugar part!

So to start with you will need:
-Using a small pan I managed to get 7 pancakes around the size of the bottom of an
average plastic milk carton, so a bigger pan means less pancakes but they're bigger :)
Double or triple the ingredients above to get double the pancakes if you're mega hungry or 
have a big group of people to feed.

And then follow these steps....

Mix one egg with four heaped tablespoons of flour, self raising or plain (self raising
produces thicker pancakes a la American style), and approximately a quarter of a cup
of milk and stir. You want your mixture to be no runnier than in the photo above so if it's
too thick add a tiny bit of milk at a time and stir until it's the desired thickness.

In a cup (I used my Dad's train mug hehehehehehehhe) mix two teaspoons
of cocoa with a tablespoon of milk and stir, adding a tiny bit more milk if needed to turn
it into a slightly runny paste. Then add sugar to sweeten, the amount of which is up to you.
I used three sprinkles of sugar so our pancakes were quite bitter however for sweet pancakes
add enough sugar till it floats ya boat. It's worth bearing in mind however that the less sugar you
add, the healthier the pancake and also your chosen topping will sweeten the pancake too!

Add the cocoa paste to the pancake mixture and mix mix mix till it looks like...

THIS! F.Y.I unless you've added a lot of sugar the mixture
will not taste like a chocolate cake mix, even though it looks it should,
so if you find your finger elongating for a little taste of the mixture stop it
because it ain't gonna taste good my friend.

As you can see, I made my pancake mix in a normal bowl in the kitchen
purely because I can stick it in the dishwasher instead of cleaning it myself.
However if you're making more mixture, I'd defo recommend a bigger bowl! But now
back to the recipe. Stir everything thoroughly again and heat a teaspoon of oil in a frying
pan for a minute or two until warm. 

Turn the heat down to between medium and low so that you're pancake cooks at
a reasonable speed and pour a tablespoonful of the mix into the pan, or more or less than that,
depending on how big you want your pancake. Allow it to cook and check with your spatula
by gently lifting up the pancake and going around the edges with the spatula to ensure the
pancake doesn't stick to the pan. If you can get all your spatula under the pancake and lift it all
whole, without it breaking, then flip it over to the other side and leave to cook for a couple of
minutes till fully cooked.

Stack all the pancakes on a plate and soak up excess oil with kitchen towel.
Now the fun part is choosing what to have on the pancake. For this recipe sweet is best
and more chocolate is also advisable, as the cocoa paste amplifies the taste of any other chocolate
based toppings you put on the pancake making it taste even more chocolatey! 

As you can see we had nutella, strawberries and raspberries which was delicious,
therefore I'd recommend having...


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