Thursday, 17 July 2014

20 Things About Moi

I figured that you might want to know a bit about me, maybe, possibly, hopefully,
because then it will be like we're friends (yay!) because you'll know me better
and that would be pretty awesome. So I've made a list of twenty things 
you might like to know. 

I don't know if they're interesting or not but one day they will be and anyway, 
I'm aiming on living a life like Forrest Gump because his was just SO COOL so someday 
I'll do a 20 things list and your jaw will drop out of pure amazingness, but till that day comes, this 
will have to do.


1) I live in Derby, UK where nothing happens although you might be interested to know
that we have a new velodrome being built and I will not be going in it because riding a bike in 
one of them scares the crap out of me. Also because of my being from Derby, I am prone to saying
"there ain't oat to do" or "I ain't got oat" (oops) and say some very heavy 'u' sounds eg.
Muhnday, Muhm, buhs, as opposed to Mahnday, Mem, baaas. How cool.

2) All that talk about pronunciation leads me onto my next point. I want to be a Speech and 
Language Therapist and help people with, you guessed it, speech, language and communication 
problems. For a while I used to be really unsure if it was the right thing for me to do because
I love all things creative and literally everyone who knows me thought I would end up in the creative
industry but ta dah, here I am doing this and now I literally cannot wait to get started.
The thought of helping and working with so many different people every day and making a 
difference to people's lives is to me the best thing ever and this career is literally perfect for me,
as I eventually realised, so yeah, now I'm so excited like wooo go future!

3) I've just finished college and my A Levels and I honestly have no idea how I did and it's less
than a month till results day, which I can't even think about or else I get intense butterflies and flop on
the floor like a fish. But if all goes well, in less than two months now (yiiikes) I'll be moving to 
Take That land, aka Manchester, and attending Manchester University

4) I like volunteering rather a lot and have volunteered at Format Photography festival,
at a summer play scheme and monthly play day for autistic children, Oxfam and with the Stroke
Association. I've loved all the volunteering I've done/ do, it's literally the best thing eveeerr so if you 
ever find yourself with free time, I strongly urge you to do it.

5) I have a ridiculous sweet tooth and am considering cutting it out because it is the biggest pain
in the world when you want to be healthy and all that and when people keep telling us that sugar
is undesirable no1 (bit of Harry Potter lingo for ya there).

6) I own two I-Pods because I really like music and I ran out of storage on my first one *cry cry cry*.
But it's okay because combined I now have 40gb of memory and almost 2,000 songs
and an addiction to my I-Pod Touch which is not so good... Also on the topic of music, I just
went to my first festival and it was INSAAAAAAANE.

7) I can drive and haven't done anything bad yet although I did ride over a curb 
instead of the road once (oops). I have stalled numerous times though and mix up my left and
right which is baaaaaaad when you're university bound, but I think I'm a decent driver.
I'm taking my theory test next week, the thought of which is making me all nervous so I think
I'll move on to number...

8) I'm 18 and I've only just started drinking a bit although it's only limited to Sangria,
Cider, Cocktails and Malibu and Coke which seems to amuse pretty much everybody.
 I'm a pretty big lightweight but that's okay because I don't need alcohol or much 
of it to have a good time and to let myself go, and I still love a good party just as much as 
the next person. And lastly being an adult sucks. I want to be a kid again.

9) I want to travel. Places to go to include: Paris, Barcelona (again), Madrid, California,
Sydney, Rome, Venice, road trip around America, Ireland, Copenhagen, Stockholm.

10) One day I want to write a book, and I have tried god knows how many times and
some have gotten further than others, however my ridiculously short attention span means that
I lose focus sooo easy and I'm good with the ideas but the writing is... meh.

11) I've never had a boyfriend (aaaah call the police) but it's because I've not met the right person
yet, or I've met a couple who I really liked but nothing worked, and I ain't budging for just
anybody nuh-uh. He has to be right for me.

12) That leads me on to the fact that I'm a sucker for those romantic stories where people
meet whilst sitting next to each other on the bus or at a job interview (like in 500 Days of Summer!)
or where they look at each other and they just know. I don't know if it really exists in real
life but sad as this sounds, I'm always waiting for it to happen to me which probably means it won't,
but I guess you can dream...

13) I am very uncoordinated and I walk into lamposts, door frames, tables, other people,
bus doors.... I've got locked in the toilet a few times, trodden in dog crap, put raisins
in my tea instead of my cereal, forgotten to turn on the shower and wondered why it wasn't
working, ate bread off an upside down plate because I didn't realise it was upside down...
Yeah it's pretty bad. 

14) I'm a hopeless optimist. Even though I can be quite moany and expect the worst, that optimism
is always there like 'ah but noooooo c'mon, let's hope for the best. POSITIVITY POSITIVITY

15) I like tea a lot, and I mean A LOT. I actually have to limit myself to four cups a day
because otherwise it just gets out of control (well in my opinion anyway).

16) I have my own art and design business Bluboca which is looking so baaare at the moment
because I've had to delete loads of stuff so now I'm basically
starting from the bottom again, BUT, I'm taking it as a sign to really focus on doing my own unique
artwork that is 100% mine so keep ya eyes peeled.

17) I believe that everything happens for a reason. Literally. It's the only way I can make
sense of the ups and downs of this world and the main way I keep on going is by believing in this
and trust me, it helps sooooo much.

18) I don't have a job, boooo, and I applied to almost 50 places, some numerous times, 
and it's so hard to take but I did get a job working as a dishwasher (soapy times) and work
through an agency doing retail and waiting, which I love to a ridiculous amount
and which people and myself included, don't really understand why.

19) I'm a proud Brit and although I love other countries too, Britain is my one and only,
even if it rains waaaay too much. RULE BRITANNIA.

20) I like stars and if it's a starry night and you're with me, don't expect me to be looking at
you or straight ahead, for my head will be tilted back 90 degrees and I will be gorming at those
beautiful little things as they shine in the sky.

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