This morning I got up kind of early, 8:05 to be precise, so not that early but early enough, and I opened my curtains and looked out the window and the sky was blue, the sun was out, it looked so beautiful.When I open my curtains to sights like that, it makes my heart happy somehow.
It even makes me feel kind of happy when I see a rainy, grey day, even when I know I have to go out in it, because there's just something sort of beautiful and cosy and so typically British about it.
I do a Sunday morning paper round and have done since I was 15 and even though waking up at quarter to 7 is not always what you want to be doing on a Sunday, when it's a beautiful morning and you have your music on and the world's so very quiet and peaceful, so much so that you can hear your thoughts almost as loud as your speech, and it feels like you're the only person who's awake, it's worth it somehow. There's this magic about it that seems to disappear when the rest of the world wakes up too. It's like for those few hours you're enclosed in this magical bubble where everything and everyone is at peace and the world is yours to discover. It's open to your eyes only.
I remember one day a couple of years ago I woke up just as it began to snow and as I was walking these little twinkling snowflakes were falling gently, illuminated by the orange glow of the street lights, dusting the streets and pavement like icing sugar. It was still dark and it almost felt like night time except that I knew it was the morning and that everyone was still sleeping and no-one was out except me, and it was like the snow was falling so beautifully just for me. And I put 'Yellow' by Coldplay on my iPod and it just made the moment ten times more magical, if that was even possible. I remember hearing "your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn in to something beautiful..." and looking up at the deep dark sky and all these shining snowflakes and feeling like life could not get any better. And if I hadn't had to get up early, I would have missed this entire moment, that I still remember so vividly to this day.
I love waking up early and always have done, along with my Dad who can be found sitting with me at the dining room table, both of us with a cup of tea, reading the papers. I love it too because some days the sun is only out for the first few hours of the day before the clouds roll in, and that means your day begins with sun, blue skies and that wonderful feeling it gives you, whilst someone who lies in and sleeps till later misses that beautiful wake up and instead is greeted to grey skies.
Mornings for me are also my most creative period, as are super late nights, and I'm filled with this rush of energy, the urge to make, do, create, because making cakes at half seven in the morning or drawing a picture or watching a film to me seems way more exciting and adventurous than it does at one in the afternoon.
I also love the bustle of everyone going about their day, places to go, people to see, things to do, weaving in and out of one another, coffee or tea in hand or spilt down clothes, tired, sleepy, buttons not done up properly, singing to the radio whilst making your pack up, all so utterly human and imperfectly perfect at the same time.
So to celebrate my favourite time of day, here is a little photobook of morning photos to make you feel all cosy and nice and happy.

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