Here in Derby, UK the heatwave we were promised ended up being a series of massive, kick ass thunderstorms full of super heavy rain, hail, wind, rumbling and threatening thunder and mad hatter lightning that struck anything and everything including numerous roads which split open and rose up against the kerb, causing the roads to turn into rivers and ponds. Faaaaan. And my mum asked me why I wasn't wearing more colourful, summery clothes, hmmmmmm.
Naturally my mum and I missed this entire kick ass storm because we were shopping in the sales in town, the products of which will feature in my next post, but my sis informed me of all the gruesome
details when we got home. All we saw of it was out of the windows of W H Smith, when I commented how dark it was outside and mum thought it was because Smith's have some strange and unjust enthusiasm for tinted black windows (?!).
Now this 'April showers on high' is a bit depressing seeing as it's supposed to be summer, a season
us Brits are deprived of near enough every year. I'm surprised we even know what the sun looks like.
However I must admit I do love rainy days. There's something about them that's just so cosy, y'know being wrapped up in a big fluffy jumper or your jimjams, cup of tea or coffee, the lights all on inside, looking out of the rain streaked windows, the sound of the water tiptapping against the glass.
So I decided to do a post dedicated to rainy days, in the middle of summer yes I know, but I'm British so it's ok, because I love them in spite of myself, and this post is all about the perfect rainy day.
So first up are some gorgeous photos to get you in the mood....

In the mood? Good, now put on some music my dears. Loud, powerful and anthemic or gentle and magical works best in my opinion. Here are some of my faves...
Now it's time to choose a movie.
Here are my absolute top picks...
The cinematography, the quirky screenplay, themes and plot, the wholeheartedly British aspect and
Alex Turner's divine soundtrack makes this film the perfect rainy day film.
This film is one of my favourites. It's just an amazing film that is funny, sad and everything in between. It brushes on so many different issues, the characters are each so wonderful in their own way and it's a film that will leave you feeling kinda good about life and stays with you long after you've watched it.
Me and my friends adore this film. It's just perfect in every way. The storyline never gets old, the songs are indescribably catchy, the animation is simply incredible and the scene with the lanterns... wow. As well as Tangled I'd also recommend any other Disney film as they always work a treat!
It's an old classic but my god is it good. It transports you out of your living room and into the gorgeous summery hills of Austria and you can't help but get completely and utterly immersed in the fabulously written storyline and characters. The spectacular songs are just an added bonus...
And finally choose your warm beverage...
and enjoy, and I hope you too believe that
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