Tuesday 26 January 2016

An Ode To Spring


I've been meaning to share these photographs with you lovely readers for what feels like forever. I took them back in the summer, at a gorgeous country park near where I live back home in Derby, and I was so proud of these photographs yet I never got round to doing anything with them. So today, whilst I'm meant to be revising, I quite foolishly thought that right now would be the perfect time to do just that, share these photographs. Obviously there is absolutely no logic in this reason, and if anything, it confirms that I have been right to send myself off to the library every day, in order to get any work done. But with exams almost, almost coming to a close, and with the winter months also approaching the point where they metamorphose into spring, I thought it would be kind of nice to brighten up the atmosphere, inject a bit of a colour, life, soul, beauty, raise those spirits and look forward to the future. I don't know about you but even looking at just one of these photographs is enough to make me feel a million times more optimistic about everything, alongside giving me hope that everything is going to be alright. Isn't it funny what a photograph can do?

Naturally with my birthday falling in May, spring is one of my favourite seasons, alongside autumn, and I adore how it feels as though the world is waking up again after a long, dark, foggy sleep. The way everything blooms and bursts into life once again. The sunshine, the warm but not too warm weather, the soaring blue skies, the brighter evenings, the vivid greenery, the accentuation of life in all its joy and wonder, and of course, not forgetting most importantly, the flowers. Oh the flowers. Flower power has always been my thing. I think they're the bees knees (pun somewhat intended). Until a few years ago I didn't fully appreciate just how beautiful, intricate and stunning flowers are, likewise I didn't understand why men always buy women flower bouquets. What was one meant to do with them? Surely chocolate would be more worthwhile? Yet I don't know, something changed. Suddenly I started seeing flowers in a different way. Suddenly I couldn't help but notice their elegance, marvel at their structure and sheer diversity, take great joy and fulfilment just by being around them. I thought they could quite possibly be the most beautiful thing about this world, bar stars and the sky and architecture and natural landscapes and of course, food. I suddenly wanted to start capturing their intricate detail so that I could share that hidden, complex beauty with other people, and to better understand the mechanics of nature's creative design. 

Flowers are awesome, which is why alongside the photographs below, I've got a million other photos in the collection which I'll hopefully get round to showing you dear readers one day. But till that day comes, I really must get back to the old revision, so I hope you enjoy marvelling at these photographs as much as I do, and I'll be back in a few days time, a free woman!



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