Wednesday 21 October 2015

Jenny Seddon


Oh gosh. Lo and behold, could this be true? Are your eyes deceiving you? An actual post dedicated to art and illustration, almost a month after I last posted an art related post? Well I don't know about you, but it feels like another lifetime ago that I last featured an artist up on this beloved blog of mine. But you see, the thing is, I don't even know where this last month has gone. Where on earth has time escaped to? I feel like I completely missed out on October, so right now I'm dying to put forward a request to some higher power, and ask if we could just rewind time so that I can actually have my October to enjoy all over again. My course placement comes to an end on Friday, and though it's been such an amazing experience, and one of the toughest, but most rewarding learning curves I've ever experienced so far in my nineteen year life, it hasn't half been time consuming. Everything I would normally do, everything I would normally like to indulge in, everything about my day to day life has been taken over and put to the side for this last month. As you probably noticed, due to the noticeable lack of frequent posting, placement has been my absolute primary focus and I didn't really have any choice in the matter. I simply had to give it my all. 

However like I said, as this experience draws to a close, and I suddenly find the time to just breathe and dare I say it, relax, for what feels like the first time in forever, I've managed to finally regain some normality again. So today I got up relatively early (those early starts seem to be sticking around) and headed into town with shopping list in hand. Going into the city on late Wednesday mornings is something I immensely enjoyed doing last year, and still enjoy doing this year. It's a bit like a routine of mine when I'm here in Manchester.  It's me time. It's inspiration time. So I took a nice leisurely walk in, admiring all the fallen leaves and general autumnal vibes that have taken over the city in the blink of an eye. I felt the smattering of little raindrops dampening my face and my hair, but I didn't really mind. It felt good. Really good. I kept my head upwards, looking at the sky, at the buildings, at the built world that surrounded me. I was again reminded how much I love being here. I bought a Bob Dylan CD, which I'm listening to now as I write, and some other things too. And during my wandering, I found myself in Waterstones perusing books for inspiration, and in the architecture section, I happened to come across an interesting little book called 'Skylines' by Yolanda Zappaterra and Jan Fuscoe. 

I jotted the name of the book down. Something to look into at a later date. But one of the things that intrigued me most were the gorgeously whimsical illustrations that brought the book to life. I was utterly transfixed. So I wrote down the name of the illustrator, Jenny Seddon, and in a lightning bulb moment, I realised that I had the foundations for a new blog post. And the immense joy I felt, when I realised that I actually had time to go out into the city and gather inspiration, that I had time to discover wonderful new artwork like Jenny's, and that I actually had time to go home and write about it... well it was just spectacular. Wonderful. Amazing. To be writing about something I love after what feels like a lifetime of not being able to. So as you can see, originally from Cornwall but now living in London, Jenny Seddon is a fabulously talented illustrator. A creator of beautiful illustrations and screen prints that have a comforting simplicity about them, so colourful, wholesome. Her creations are my ideal way of perceiving the world. It's the kind of artwork that's similar to what I like to produce myself. And if I could live in the world that her artwork depicts, I would be one very happy individual. Finding artwork like Jenny's always makes me feel so content. Knowing that there are people out there creating these wonderful collections of imagery that somehow seem to make the world a better place. 

I hope you like Jenny's work as much as I do (which is rather a lot), and if you want to find out more or view more of it (which you really should), just head to her website and blog, which is where all the images below are taken from. 

-All images belong to Jenny Seddon-

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