Sunday 10 December 2017

What I've Learnt: 2017


This year has been a strange but wonderful year for me. 

 So much is new. So much is unexpected. So much has been learnt. 

I have had such a brilliant time, and part of me is wondering where the year went. More than ever, I want to hold onto this year, because next year is when things change all over again. Regardless of what happens, or where I end up, what I want more than anything is to land on my feet. I want stability, some familiarity, a green light. Go. But I guess only time will tell.

Meanwhile, back to 2017, of course there have been the usual iffy moments. We all get our fair share. But this year, I've noticed they've been more focused and intense, rather than lots of little regular episodes. Is it me? Is it circumstance? I don't know, but I think I prefer it this way. My mind is happy most of the time, I feel more in control of my mental health and well-being, almost like I can decide which way the tide turns, whether the sun shines, how long the rain has to fall.

And of course, alongside the iffy moments, there have been lots and lots of joyful moments, a new harvest of memories to add to the burgeoning collection. Earlier today I was thinking about what my life will be like 10 years from now, and how I'll feel when I look back at these times. Even though I don't know what my future holds, I just know that I will always cherish these university years. What a wonderful chapter to add to my life, the story of me. How lucky I have been.

But likewise, great as this chapter has been, and despite being better than I ever could have dreamed, I'm hoping that it is not my Golden Age. 

I know it's unlikely things will ever be this good again, but I'm hopeful that my life will evolve into another kind of good, another kind of happiness, in the years to come. Maybe not as heightened or intense, but just as fulfilling, adventurous and magical. So with that, here are the most important things 2017 has taught me, and which I hope to carry through as another chapter dawns and a new sun rises.



001. Say yes to the opportunities that come your way, or make them yourself.
002. When it comes to love, take matters into your own hands. Forget about the rules. Create your own happiness.
003. Cherish the people you love. See them, talk to them, hug them, as much as you can, because one day you will realise that they aren't going to be here forever. Our time is limited, so make the most of it.
004. Remember to take a step back and see the bigger picture. 
005. Work is important, but it is not the most important thing. 
006. Relaxation is just as crucial as eating, sleeping, breathing, drinking, so don't feel bad for doing it. 
007. Always make time for your friends, value each person and what they bring to your life, and remember the best people will never leave you.
008. Apologise for and accept your mistakes, and then do what you can to learn from them.
009. Be kind to people.
010. Volunteer when you can- even an hour of your time can make such a huge difference to someone else's life.
011. Trust that you will cross that finish line, and in the mean time, enjoy the ride.
012. An egg & sausage McMuffin, and taking a selfie with it, is not worth losing your purse over
013. Compromise.
014. Nip that finger infection in the bud, before your finger balloons to the size of a golf ball.
015. Believe in yourself and your worth because no-one else will, and most of all, be resilient (because you might just end up as captain of a sports team, or getting that summer job). 
016. Don't go to bed without resolving an argument- sort it out as soon as you can and move on.
017. Get a waterproof bag.
018. It's ok to dwell and not feel good, but keep pushing yourself back up and fighting back.
019. A relationship is not always easy, but the right person is worth all the hard times a million times over. 
020. Butternut squash, homemade bread, bean burgers, mulled wine, Crazy Pedro's pizza, rosemary cheese and seasalt toasties, halloumi fries, tequila= all amazing
021. Let your guard down and open up.
022. Be someone that people can trust and talk to. 
023. Treat yourself.
024. Don't let your sister cut your hair. 

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