Monday 22 May 2017

20 Things I've Learnt At 20


It's that time of year again... Another year older, another year slightly wiser, slightly more mature (and also more immature), slightly more grown up, and slightly closer to learning how to make mashed potato. Oh yes and also another blog post summarising the main things the last year has taught me. I've done it at 18 and I've done it at 19, and now that I've finished 3rd year and actually have the time to write a lil' post, I thought it would be nice to carry on the tradition. Plus I can't resist the opportunity to reflect on the year gone by and get myself in an emotional tizz reminiscing. So why the hell not, though if I make it to 104 then I might reconsider...

I can't believe that I'm one day away from 21 now. Honestly I'm not really sure where 20 went. It's come and gone in a flash, and considering how nervous I was about my twenties, this first year has been a true gem. I know I always hail each year as the best one of my life, but this year truly has been one of the best, if not the best. It's another one to look back and smile about. Even though there's been a few wobbles and shocks and mini-meltdowns, hand on heart I can say that I've had the absolute time of my life. 

I've been travelling. I've volunteered at a festival and helped run a children's camp. I've helped people who stammer and transgender people and put on social events for elderly people. I've made some absolutely amazing friends and met some truly wonderful people from all over the world. I've been to the top of Manchester. I've grown my hair out again. I've got through 3rd year of uni and am 3/4 of the way to my end goal. I've overcome personal struggles and grown in confidence, wisdom, strength, as have I realised it's ok to reach out to people and tell them how you're feeling. I've got better at running and keeping fit. I've finally been to Harry Potter World and tried butterbeer. I've had magical trips in London with my sister. I've been on a sports tour. I've seen Bruce Springsteen live. I've grown even closer to my family. I've started an art account. I've found love and somehow acquired a boyfriend, and he is everything I ever hoped for. I've been on so many adventures and had so much fun. And of course I've made a tit out of myself on countless occasions.  

It's strange because I really did notice the shift when I turned 20. It felt like a new beginning, with everything the same and yet somehow so different. And little bit by little bit life has changed, morphed, transitioned, and as I approach 21, I'm so happy and grateful with where I find myself. I'm not really sure what the next year has in store, but I do know it will have its difficulties and struggles. Yet despite that, I also know that I will be surrounded by so much love, happiness, friendship, strength, I will make so many more treasured memories, and maybe, just maybe, I will crack how to make mashed potato.

So with that, here are my 20 things...


001. Camping is actually really fun and relaxing 
002. Porridge tastes like heaven when you make it with double cream and add mixed spices
003. I am so lucky to have my Mum. I don't think I could have got through this year without her unconditional support, guidance, wisdom and love. I am so lucky that she is always just a phone call or hug away
004. I bloody love my Dad too. And my sister. And my Nan & Grandad. And the rest of my family 
005. Make sure I fully appreciate this wonderful, crazy, gorgeous time of my life and seize every opportunity, drink in every moment, be present throughout it all, because it goes waaaay to fast and life won't be this way forever, and I will treasure these days for the rest of my life
006. My self-esteem is probably always going to be a bit of a madam, but it's getting better, and my way of dealing with it is a lot more positive too nowadays
007. Never underestimate the kindness of strangers, and a simple smile can go an awful long way 
008. Pie and chips and gravy is quite possibly the secret to happiness (my mouth is salivating just from writing the words)
009. I will be a good speech and language therapist and I will get through this sodding degree, and the difficulties I face are only ever making me stronger!!
010. I'm surprisingly good at korfball once I get into the game and stop nattering away with the opposition and actually run after the ball when it comes
011. I know I just said happiness is pie, gravy & chips and I don't take that back, but I think true, undeniable, soul fulfilling happiness comes from simply spending time with the people you love most (ie. friends and family) and letting go of your worries, laughing till you can't breathe and just simply having fun  
012. I love cactuses, gin and tonic, chickpeas, tequila shots, pool (even if I get 7 balled rather a lot), Fresh Meat, Lord of the Rings, Gilmore Girls, Guardians of the Galaxy, foreign films, giant pizzas, brownies, anything silver (it makes me feel like a twinkly little star), cats, basketball, being lazy, veggie burgers, cycling
013. The importance of doing your bit to help other people and make a positive change to their lives. Nothing else can ever replicate the feeling of utter fulfilment that being selfless brings
014. Don't take everything so seriously or sensitively, and instead take a step back and relax, laugh, gain perspective, remember what's important, do the thing you want to do, be kind to yourself
015. The importance of treating the people you love, and letting them know they are loved as much as you possibly can
016. I really, really, really, really like talking on the phone
017. I'm growing into the person I always hoped I would become, and I am so very proud of who I am and the person I try to be
018. There are some really amazing places in the world, including Rome, Amsterdam, Atilla, Forest of Dean, Anglessey, Tenby (yes I love Wales now!!!), Portsmouth (love that too), Lancashire, Cheshire, Buxton, Prague...
019. I was never alone, and I'm never alone, I just need to reach out to any one of the amazing support network I have around me, and they will help me find my way back home
020. Love, and finding the right person, was completely and utterly worth the wait

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