On Wednesday the project I've been a part of for the last four months or so, The Closet, finally launched. Open for business at select days and times, in the shop space between Academy One and UoM Student Union, just off Oxford Road, Manchester, The Closet is a sustainable, student ran clothes shop filled with kindly donated goods available for purchase. All money raised will then be donated to the local and rather brilliant mental health charity Manchester Mind. Pretty groovy. So if you're around the area, come on down and say hello, see if you can find yourself a bargain, likewise come along to some of the events we have planned for the coming months, and help us raise as much money as possible for this incredibly worthwhile, important cause.
Our evening launch event was an almighty success, raising lots of money for Manchester Mind and selling lots of killer goods at bargain prices. The atmosphere was buzzing, with attendees including The Closet committee, lots of very generous and lovely students, some amazing young entrepreneurs (more on that in a mo), Bilderberg and Lord of the Tings residents (who treated us to some proper cracking tunes) and Dave from security. We had tons of freebees from Vita Coco, NME, Propercorn, Redbull, Manchester Mind, decorations included quirky finds including an old lamp, TV and retro radio, alongside pieces of art done by myself (as you can see in the photo above), and everyone was chatting, laughing, buying goods, donating money, and all for such a fantastic cause too. I loved every minute of it, and to finally reach that opening point, after the long haul of getting The Closet off the ground, transforming it from a mere idea to a running, live reality, was truly amazing. Hopefully it will be an almighty success, and we're now putting all our energies into keeping the project running and making it as successful as we possibly can, so if you want to get involved or see what we're up to, click here to find out more!
Now putting all that super cool stuff to one side, the main reason I wanted to write this post was to give a little heads up and promo to the wonderful, lovely, crazy talented young entrepreneurs who I met on the night. This mixture of current and former students who run their own businesses, each of which blew my mind with the sheer amazingness, kindly brought along their incredible handmade goods and set up stall for the night. I managed to speak to all of them, helped by the fact that I made the signs for each of their stalls, and it was lovely to find out more about their products, how they're made, how they run their business, what made them decide to do it and a bit about who they are as people. Likewise I relished the opportunity to heap praise upon them, because all these guys are so damn good at what they do, and it's so inspiring to see people my own age turning their ideas, talents and skills into these physical entities and real operating businesses, making their mark on the world. It gave me hope that one day soon I'll find the time to sit down, make a plan, figure out where I want to take my own skills and turn those long held dreams and ideas into action.
But till that day comes, (and it's pencilled into the diary so fingers crossed, as it's about time I stopped finding excuses to hold back), please do join me, dear readers, in marvelling at these incredible people and their equally incredible businesses.

MOJO KOJO was started by the incredibly lovely Koye Adesanya, just before he graduated from the University of Manchester in July 2015. MOJO KOJO is a glorious celebration of African culture, through a hybrid of music and fashion, with Koye supplementing his fashion pursuits with regular club night IJOYA, a cracking, vibrant melting pot of Afrobeats, African Disco & African Funk. The gorgeous clothes themselves are inspired by old school 90's aesthetics, and are given a spirited revival with Koye's own African inspired pattern designs. The patterns are then printed onto fabric sourced from Koye's one time hometown Nigeria, which he still regularly visits, and crafted into the stunning MOJO KOJO pieces by Koye, examples of which you can see above, back home in the UK. The fabric is gorgeous to the touch, so well made, the patterns are bold, energetic, eye-catching, the clothes themselves are so flattering to both the male and female form, and the prices are en pointe considering what gems these clothes actually are. MOJO KOJO is definitely one to watch, so expect the dreary, drab UK to soon be injected with a much needed powerful lease of electric Africana spirit, courtesy of MOJO KOJO and the very talented Koye. And if you can't wait that long, what are you waiting for? Head over to the MOJO KOJO online shop (link below) for a dazzling, one of a kind slice of sunny African culture.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mojokojomcr/

If you're looking for the epitome of laidback, slouchy, unique, XXX cool clothing of the simplest kind, the wonderful ladies behind Tees on Toast, Leeds students Ruby and Phoebe, are your go to girls. Both keen amateur photographers, Ruby and Phoebe decided to set up Tees on Toast to channel said love of the photographic medium, and in doing so, have quite possibly created the most genius business idea ever. So called Tees on Toast because a t-shirt is the most simplest clothing form out there, especially when one quite simply cannot be bothered to make much of an effort with one's clothes, and likewise toast is a pretty mediocre and simplistic breakfast item, Tees on Toast make their mark on this notion of simplicity and use it as the backbone of their business. The premise is that you go on to the website (link below), chose a photograph that you like (all are film photographs taken by Ruby and Phoebe, with the best titles ever), pay your £18.50 and the photographic design is then printed on to a black XXL t-shirt and delivered to you. All t-shirts come in the mandatory XXL black requirement, and once a design is bought, that's it. The design/ photograph is taken down and you become the sole owner of that now one of a kind t-shirt. Pretty cool. No, make that genius. Pure genius.
Little Beasties (what a corker of a name) was set up by two Manchester students in 2014, with the first headband being made as a way of getting into the Christmas spirit. When the first headband was an almighty success (as was that particular xmas), the ladies at Little Beasties then started making headbands and hoods for themselves and their friends to wear at parties and festivals, before setting up shop online to share their utter amazingness with the world. Now ran single-handedly by the supremely talented, absolute sweetheart and v. fashionable Bryony, Little Beasties is a fun, exciting and super quirky business that explodes onto the scene in a whirlwind of wonderful, unapologetic creative magic. Over at Little Beasties HQ you'll find Bryony crafting a multitude of absolutely one of a kind, completely unique, vibrant, colourful headbands. The headbands are made out of various charity shop finds and childhood toys, alongside sparkling materials, which Bryony then uniquely assembles onto a headband wrapped in glittering soft yawn, in a funky, eye catching arrangement. Each headband has a predominant colour scheme, and the mandatory zany, quirky, beautifully unique materials which it's constructed from, mean every head band has its own character, its own story, and is truly one. of. a. kind. And these headbands are quite literally works of art, so once you get a hold of one (and you'd best go check them out now as they're selling like hotcakes), not only can you be a festival fairy queen 4eva, but you'll also be the proud owner of your very own piece of art.
If you're looking for timeless, handmade, fearless, culturally rich and unapologetically beautiful designs inspired by the gorgeous African culture, A. Monaie Designs is your go to girl. Started by the insanely nice, American born Amira in her first year of university, this unique jewellery store combines the richness, patterns, symbolism and spirit of Africa, with the empowering, enlightening and emboldening ethos of historical events and figures including Motown, the Civil Rights movement, the Harlem Resistance. A. Monaie Designs hand crafted pieces celebrate equality and the power of women all over the world. They signify hope, strength, freedom and are a form of self expression. They're for the women out there who view the world as their oyster, who aren't afraid to follow their dreams, take risks, who are proud of where they come from and know exactly where they're going to. In the A. Monaie Designs online store you'll find a variety of bespoke, stunning, handmade pieces including earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings, as well as the option to create a custom design made by Amira herself. These designs are breathtakingly beautiful, so if you're looking to treat yourself to a special unique piece, or give a meaningful gift to a loved one, head to A. Monaie Designs, take a look, find your special piece and spread the love.
-25% of all designs throughout February with the code Hearts16-
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/amonaiedesigns/
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