Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Zee Nicest Pasta in Zee World

Recipe For Zee Nicest Pasta Ever
The other week one of my sister's bezzie mates came round to our house, and as we've known said friend basically since she was born and vice versa, she's one of those people for whom it's perfectly acceptable to root around your kitchen cupboards in the hunt for food, without having asked for permission to do so first. Now this ties into this blog post/ recipe because when said friend came over, that's exactly what she did, hunting down ingredients in our kitchen cupboards to make herself lunch, and that was completely normal and A-okay in this situation.

Because as it turns out, that said friend knows a thing or two about cooking (unbeknown to us), and the pasta dish she made was the nicest pasta dish I have ever had, as in I can't stress that enough. That very day we made her make the dish two other times so that we both had a bowlful each to devour, and since she came round a couple of weeks ago, that dish has been made at least six times. So because I want to share this delicious culinary heaven with you, and also because it's such a quick and simple dish to make and can be made so cheaply, it's perfect for all you fellow uni goers like moi.

So to make this dish you will need...
* You will also need garlic too! (can't believe I forgot that *face palm)


Put chosen pasta in a sauce pan (doesn't matter what type), the amount of which depends on how many people you're feeding. Boil the kettle, pour the boiling water over the pasta till completely covered and turn on the heat and cook till pasta is soft.

Next, in a frying pan, use a garlic press to squeeze 1-3 cloves of garlic, depending on how many people your pasta dish is feeding (and how strong your tolerance for garlic is). Then add olive oil till the entire base of the pan is covered, followed by a teaspoon of chilli (or half if spice isn't really your thing), a teaspoon of oregano, a teaspoon of Italian herbs and two teaspoons of tomato puree.

Heat up the ingredients and stir till oil starts to bubble and then add pasta to the mix, lowering the heat whilst stirring, ensuring that all the pasta is covered in the sauce.

Pour the pasta plus sauce into a bowl and top with cheese and basil leaves, and let yourself be transported to food heaven, where I shall also be, eating my own version of this fab pasta dish.


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