Sunday 1 May 2016

These Are A Few of My Favourite Things


First thing's first, isn't the title of this post just the absolute bees knees. Considering how much I adore The Sound of Music, I'm surprised I haven't used this iconic quote as a blog title before. It seems to fit rather well. It's weird because this post has come about in drips and dribbles over the last few days, and that isn't normally the case with me. Usually, when I want to write a post, I make a cup of tea, sit somewhere comfortable (usally tucked up in bed) and bang it out in one go, or across the course of a few hours. This post appears to be the exception.

The idea for writing it came about because although I've done various posts over the years where I tell you some random facts about me (eg. here, here and here), I don't recall doing a post about my favourite things. And I also recently realised, in a rather mind boggling fashion, that I'm not too good at letting people in, being open, telling people things about myself. I find it hard to open my heart up to people, even if I really, really want to. And I seem to just assume that people will automatically guess or know all these things about me that I want them to know, even though that's completely illogical and makes absolutely no sense. I love talking to other people, and finding out about them, giving them chance to talk and really listening to the words they say. But when it comes to me, I often freeze up and my mind goes blank. Or on the converse, people don't ask back, or I assume that they don't really want to know in the first place. It's a bit of a poopy situation.

So whilst in my personal life I'm feeling more determined than ever to start being more open, and less guarded, and give people the chance to get to know me better, I thought that a good place to start would be to think about some of the things that make me who I am. Things that I could tell people. The little pieces that come together to form the puzzle and framework of who I am. And hey, who knows, maybe if I one day do a one woman re-enactment of The Sound of Music, I can throw in a few of these one liners into the mix, just to spruce things up. I'm sure Julie would approve (especially with the bit about killa' tunez).


001. Watching wonderful little indie films like 500 Days of Summer (fave film ever) & unbeatable, iconic classics such as The Sound of Music (also my fave film ever)
002. Eating my Weetabix in the morning (u don't understand how happy it makes me- I literally can't wait for morning to come round so I can eat my Weetabix)
003. Listening to amazing, energetic, killa' tunes at just the right volume to drown out the world
004. Looking through old photos and reminiscing the good times
005. Getting new books to read from the library (hello bookworm)
006. When my fringe falls just right
007. Painting bottles and putting flowers in them
008. Late night runs (and I don't mean going to the loo, before you start getting the wrong idea)
009. New beginnings and the hope that they bring
010. Hot showers in the evening
011. Listening to Stevie Nicks when you wanna feel sassy
012. The northern accent
013. Proper belly laughing with people
014. When you're in a club and the DJ is playing tune after tune after tune
015. The kind of dancing where you proper go for it, and when all your mates do too
016. Alex Turner singing
017. The sky when it's all pale and it seems to have every shade of the rainbow
018. Finding bargain beauts in charity shops & wearing your new clothes for like 30 days consecutively
019. Talking for hours on the phone to my sis
020. Random baking sessions (eg. the other day I made scones at half 10 in the morning after I came in from a night out and only slept for 3 hours, woo, and today it's marble cake!)
021. Saturday afternoons wandering around the city
022. When you pass people in the street and they say hi, and when you have banter with total strangers
023. When Lidl sell aubergines for 45p #winning
024. Being spontaneous (eg. going for ice cream in between lectures)
025. The sound of rain (especially when you're cosy in bed)
026. Cheese toasties
027. Standing on the coastline, looking out at the sea on a lovely summers day
028. Getting super freckly in the summer
029. The miracle moment when people who usually call me by my whole name, start calling me Tasha
030. Autumn. Everything about it is amazing.
031. When you're so tired that you zonk out as soon as your head touches the pillow
032. Complimenting people
034. Watching old home videos
035. Writing nice letters and cards for people
036. Glittery nail varnish
037. Talking to people & having really good conversations
038. WHEN U MANAGE TO LIE IN TILL 9 (instead of waking up at 7:15 every day of the week whether you want to or not)
039. Making other people laugh, even if it's at you, and not with you
040. Bridget Jones, aka my saviour, reminding me that it's okay to be a complete tit 99.9% of the time
041. When you're up before everyone else is and the world's all quiet and beautiful
042. Home cooked meals and sharing them with people you love
043. Reading beautiful poetry and words (eg. like E.E Cummings)
044. Singing to my heart's content (the neighbours obviously mega love it)
045. Catching up with people you haven't seen in a while
046. Songs that have a saxophone in them
047. Listening to The War On Drugs 'Lost In The Dream' late at night with my fairy lights on (it's really rather magical)
048. Doing drawing and entries in my little notebook that I always keep with me
049. When we manage to get all the family together
050. That feeling when you go to a new city for the first time, and realising that there's just so much out there waiting to discovered and explored
051. Looking at architecture
052. Learning new songs to play on my guitar
053. Collecting shells on the beach
054. Driving down country lanes
055. Sleeping in a freshly made bed mmmmmmmmmm
056. Sticky toffee pudding (aka the best dessert in the world ever)
057. Places which have an amazing view of a city skyline
058. When you try a new outfit combo and it luks well gud
059. Walking around art galleries when it's raining outside
060. Hugging people :)

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