Thursday 1 October 2015

Days in Numbers


You probably already know this very, very well, seeing as I've been rambling on about it so much for last few weeks, but I started my placement in Liverpool for my course earlier this week. And so with that, my life has very much done its own version of leapfrog and jumped over to the fast lane. Everything feels like one big blur. I've constantly been doing things, here, there and everywhere, and I don't get much time to sit and relax before it begins all over again. It feels pretty crazy, but at the same time it's a rather nice feeling, knowing that I'm definitely making the most of each day. I've tried  a new sport, I've been doing things for the blog society, making plans to see people, doing lots and lots of hard work, a bloody amazing amount of walking (hello toned bum), and getting the chance to experience what it's like to be an actual speech and language therapist for real. Every single day so far I've seen people from my course as we all make our commutes to placement, and it's been so nice to see all these friendly faces, as has doing this placement given me a massive appreciation for how gorgeous Manchester and Liverpool actually are. I never dreamed I'd be saying this, but I'm actually loving my commute to and from placement. It's opening my eyes to the world around me a whole lot more, and making me feel so grateful that I get to live and work in this amazing part of the country. Seeing Manchester especially in the twilight hour and the evening dusk really is quite something (a photo post is coming ASAP), as is it amazing to see the realms of beautiful countryside that lie between Manchester and Liverpool day after day, particularly with the weather being so stunning right now. I'm planning on heading into Liverpool city centre on my last day of placement too, and I can't stress to you how excited I am about that!!

Every day I've thought numerous times about how lucky I am to have this experience, as am I so lucky to be living in this city and having this unique chance to experience what will hopefully be my future career first hand. It's a strange time in my life, no doubt about it, but it's also one of the best. It's making me feel very glad to be alive right now, cheesy as it sounds. I'm in a rather good place, a happy place, and I truly do love it. And because my time management skills have improved ever so slightly over the last couple of days, and also because it was only yesterday that I was giving a talk on blog inspiratation, even though I'm quite tired tonight I thought what the hell, if I have time to write about god knows what for my placement, and post a gazillion posts on Instagram, I definitely have time to knock together a quick post for the ol' blog. So I've tried to keep it short and simple, bar the rambling, and because placement is unfortunately taking up a lot of my time at the moment, I've decided firstly that tonight I'd just give you a flavour of my week so far in numbers, because there's a hell of a lot of them. And secondly, for the next couple of weeks I'm going to try and keep my posts nice and brief and simple (so hopefully less rambling like always), as that means I can hopefully then blog a little bit frequently than I was originally hoping to. So there you go, another reason to be happy.

I hope you're all having a fab week, thanks for sticking by me and continuing to support and read my little much loved blog, and with that, here are my calculations from this week gone by...


1 crack on new phone screen
1 hour running a UoM BlogSoc workshop
1 social at Revs de Cuba on Oxford Road arranged for next Thursday, 8pm
(come along if you're a blogger & you want to meet other bloggers!)
1 bus caught
4:30am, the earliest time I woke up this week
7:30pm, the latest time I got back home
50+ new people met and spoken to
1 book  read (The Secret Paris Cinema Club, a rather enjoyable easy read)
2 hours spent trying out the sport Korfball (and it was so fun!)
7 people from my course I've seen in the morning whilst travelling to placement
10 cups of tea drunk
7 times I've found myself fantasising about living in Liverpool
1 billion questions asked (at least that's what it feels like)
1 bad hair day (which co-incidentally happened to be today)
200 minutes spent chatting on the phone
8 Instagram posts, all of Manchester city scenes
475 minutes spent walking (aka. over 7 hours, if my calculations are correct)
1 person randomly smiled & said 'hi' to me as I was walking down the street
30 hours spent sleeping
4 days of clear blue skies
335 minutes travelling on the train
11 custard creams eaten
20 pages of A4 notes written
1 month till I retake my driving test again
6 times I've wished I had someone to quite literally carry me home
2 peanut butter mug cakes made and consumed (I'm obsessed with peanut butter now)
1 episode of Great British Bake Off watched 
20 degrees, how hot it was today

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