Tuesday 26 July 2016

What Inspires Me


Lately I've been thinking about the things that mean the most to me. The kind of things that seem to root me back to my tether whenever I feel like I'm drifting a little too far away. The things that make me feel like I'm not alone. The things that seem to really make my soul happy, and whirl and twirl with excitement, possibility, electricity. The things that I connect deeply with in some way. The things that make me feel so blessed to be alive. The things that inspire me. I've come to realise that all these things are connected together. What means the most to me, what makes me happy, what grounds me, what inspires me, it's all interlinked like this pretty little constellation stored and ever growing in the heart of who I am. And these things are all co-dependent on each other too. You can't have one without the other. What makes you happy will give your life meaning, and that will make you feel whole and grounded and purposeful, in turn putting you in a good position to feel that surging sense of inspiration.The things that mean the most to you are your most important motivators, because they give you and your life a sense of hope, purpose, meaning. It's almost like their existence makes your existence possible. And these things can be people, objects, events, actions, concepts. They can be real, present, physical, emotional, metaphysical, distant, abstract, concrete. Any single thing capable of occurring in this peculiar universe of ours has the capability to touch a human soul and create some kind of lasting and meaningful impact.

If they say you're a blank canvas when you're born, I guess your genetic make-up initially acts as the hand that picks up all those different colours and materials to start bringing the canvas of who you are to life. One by one you're uniquely drawn to this innovative mixture of influences and inspirations, and who you are as a person begins to emerge. When you start to become aware of what's important to you, what you like, what you instinctively respond to, what attracts like you a magnet or a moth to a flame, what you're looking for, you yourself start to pick out the colours and materials for your canvas. You continually mould and craft yourself into the person you want to be and the person you think you ought to be. And to me it's so interesting how all these sources of influence, inspiration, meaning, purpose, happiness are so unique to each individual. How taking a look at what each individual person cites as inspiration will say so much about who they are and what connects them to this life, giving it meaning and reason. I think the things that inspire people are the most beautiful kinds of motivators because that inspiration isn't forced or coerced. It's pure and natural and true. It's instinctive and personal. It's an internal, hypothetical hand reaching out into the world and retrieving the things it wants to keep close, the things it wants to hold onto. And someone motivated by what inspires them is someone who I think has the right kind of idea in life. Sure you might not always be happy in life, but I think you've got a pretty good shot.

So to celebrate the beauty and importance of inspiration, because why the hell not, I've put together a list of what I feel are my most important and meaningful sources of inspiration, and yes there is a picture of Professor Brian Cox at the end.



Stevie is basically my queen. She's exactly the kind of person I want to be & I'm so eternally grateful that someone like Stevie exists in this world. She is just a phenomenal human being and her strength, vulnerability, wisdom, love and talents continually inspire me. If you want an insight into the magic of Stevie, just read this beautiful Rolling Stones interview from 2015 which is a true favourite of mine.


Patti is another inspiration of mine, again for her inner strength, her creativity, her power, her ambition, her outlook on life and her ability to highlight the beauty in weakness. A fascinating, fierce, fabulous woman. 

HUMANS OF NEW YORK (aka Brandon Stanton)

I think discovering HONY and reading it every day has literally changed my life. I'm so glad that HONY exists in this world. HONY was started by the utterly brilliant Brandon Stanton in 2010, when he attempted to take and map 10,000 portraits of New Yorkers, as part of a photography initiative he had. Soon Brandon began talking to the people he was photographing, finding out about their lives and then posting the accompanying photos along with the commentary. If there's anything that will either restore your faith in mankind, make you re-think important issues ,provide you with an honest and unbiased insight into the lives of other people, or give you yourself that drive and inspiration to want to make positive change yourself, it's HONY. Follow HONY on Twitter & fb for a daily dose of the most endearing, inspiring, and heartbreaking stories of mankind.


I don't think there's anything I love more than snuggling up in my pjs and reading the Sunday magazines whilst I eat my breakkie. Sunday is my favourite day of the week because it makes me feel this wonderfully relaxed and content feelings. It's like pressures from the week dissolve and melt away, and there's this beautiful notion of peacefulness in the air. Reading the magazines in particular feel like license to dream about my life and what it could be, and I feel like I have the time, space and energy to wonder and peruse and think.


There's just something about the energy and electricity and possibility contained in big cities. Whether that be here in the UK or in other countries across the world, you just can't beat walking around the city and absorbing all that life, buzz and culture,embedded within it. It's like your passion and thirst for life becomes invigorated. Personal favourites are Manchester, London, Copenhagen, Prague, NYC & Edinburgh.


Watching Lena Dunham's brilliant 'Girls' is possibly one of the best choices I've made in my life so far. Whether you're a gal in your late teens or your mid fifties, there's something so important to be taken from this show. 'Girls' is a true, honest, empowering celebration and account of what it means to be a female. Nothing is off limits with this show. It will make you feel so much better about your body, choices you've made, opinions and beliefs you have, experiences you've had. It will make you feel proud to be a female, understand what it means to be a female and most importantly: realise that you can completely kick ass as a female. 


I will always maintain that volunteering is the best thing I have ever done, and I honestly believe it's one of the most beautiful and redeeming things about mankind. It's mankind at it's best.The amount of joy and fulfilment I've gained from volunteering is unparalleled. Sure it may be good for the old CV but it's so, so much more than that. It's allows you to help make a positive difference, it's a way to gain unique and amazing experiences, it teaches you so many new skills as well as important things about yourself. It's so rewarding and fulfilling, even if it can be difficult at times, and you meet some of the best people in this world, whether that be other volunteers or the people you're helping. And perhaps most importantly, by doing your bit in this world, it does absolute wonders for your mental health. 


I LOVE this guy. I found Dallas Clayton on Instagram one day and his daily posts of artwork, quotes and poetry, brimming with wisdom, beauty and positivity, are so inspiring. The acts Dallas does in his local community and worldwide to bring people together are also so endearing and motivating to see. Dallas is a champion of the people who loves life, and thrives off making the world a better place and bringing out the best in mankind.


Personally I believe that TED talks are the best thing to come out of this revolutionary digital age. TED began in 1984 as a non-profit conference integrating technology, entertainment and design together, and the concept has now morphed into a viral phenomenon where talks are held worldwide, in over 100 languages, about a whole host of different topics. Each talk is then recorded and uploaded to You Tube for anyone and everyone to watch. You can literally watch a video about anything. I personally use them for uni research, revision, inspiration, motivation, self-help and education, and I can't stress to you the brilliance and importance of this amazing tool.


With the rapid ebb and flow of life it's easy to get swept away in the rush of everything, meaning it's easy to forget to appreciate the amazing things you've already done and achieved. As I get older, I realise how important it is to take that time to look back and really take note of the story of your life so far. What have you done well, what do you want to do better, what do you still want to achieve? It's a great motivator and a great confidence booster.


If I was a doctor, I think my number one prescription would be taking a walk in the countryside. It works like a miracle cure and it's so important for your health. To be out in the open, under the vast expanse of the sky and embedded amongst the natural craft and beauty of this world, it's just magical and so nurturing for the soul. It makes you realise your insignificance, it helps to ease and free your mind, it helps you think clear, it's a chance to look after your body, it gives you another perspective, and it reignites your love for life.


I think I enjoy doing this more than I probably should. I don't know why, but I just find it so fascinating to observe other people. By taking the time to stop and watch, stop and listen, you can learn so much about individual people, as well as mankind as a whole. It makes you realise and appreciate the diversity of life, and how beautifully unique every single person is, as does it help you to better figure out the kind of person you want to be and life you want to lead.


I wish Tavi was my best friend. She's just incredible. Intelligent, beautiful, driven, wise, honest, unapologetic, strong. A real champion of girl power. With Tavi being the same age as me, seeing the sheer scope of things she's managed to achieve in her mere 20 years on this planet inspires me to get my bum into gear and set the wheels of my own life into motion. Tavi makes me realise I can take on the world if I want to, and make my dreams and aspirations reality. Also Rookie changed my whole life when I was a teenager. Rookie4lyf4evanalways.


Clears my mind, helps me expand my thought horizons, ignites my passion for life and love of creation. Makes me feel like I'm not alone. Fulfils my soul. Makes me want to make enough art work to fill my own galleries. Gets me thinking outside the box. Makes me want to get out into the world and do anything and everything and trailblaze my way into the future and whatever lies next.


My all time favourite singer & songwriter. Alex is such a forerunner, always a leader and pioneer ever keen to push himself and his music forwards. I also find his unique inquisitiveness and brand of creativity so eye-opening and mind-blowing and touching. It just feels like Alex is someone who has such a firm grasp on life, almost as if he's cottoned onto something that the rest of us are simply oblivious to.


I mentioned in my previous post about how much I enjoy reading beautiful quotes (usually off Tumblr innit). There's something I find so amazing and satisfying about reading beautiful words and linguistic structures, as well as pausing to think about all those different meanings and perspectives and possibilities. Sometimes I think there surely can't be anything as delightful and fulfilling. 


Oh man I am on such a soul music hype at the moment. I have an ever growing list of soul music gems I need to add to my ipod ASAP, as is my iPod already filling up nicely with a healthy dose of soul music. Whether it be The Ronnettes, Otis Redding, Martha Reeves & The Vandellas, The Commodores, Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone, The Temptations, Al Greene, Jackie Wilson, MJ, Louis Armstrong, Aretha Franklin, I'm caught hook line and sinker. There's just something so powerful and rich and joyous about soul music. It literally feels like a true, vivid, passionate expression of the soul. There's such simplicity to its structure, yet it gives rise to this magic that's so ethereal and surreal. Whenever I listen to soul music, it makes me feel the most alive.


I love a good book for the way it expands your horizons, and leads you to new territories you otherwise may not have explored or even realised existed. It seems to make the impossible possible. I also love the way a good book can really identify with its audience and make them feel understood, like they have a voice, as can it help them to make sense of their own thoughts and feelings. To read is to immerse yourself in another world, another time, another place, and I think it's very healthy and important to have that release and outlet, a chance to take a step back from your own life and regain perspective.


Thinking about the universe, and looking at beautiful pictures of it makes me realise the infinite possibilities contained within this life. There is so much we don't know. So much we do know. It makes you realise the sheer beauty, chance and magical scientific principles constructing life as we know it. It makes you realise how insignificant we are, yet also how significant and amazing we are too. It makes you realise there's just so much more out there and it's so exciting even thinking about it. This book series is fabulous if you want to literally get lost in space for yourself!


Of course I had to put a picture of Brian Cox for this. For a long time, art was my thing and that was that. Then I did GCSE Science and it totally opened my eyes to the beauty of science. Science blows my mind, as does learning about it, and I think it's my main motivator when it comes to educating myself. Science makes me want to learn. It makes me want to be alive. It makes me realise how crazy incredible life is. It makes me think in terms of possibilities. There is so, so much in this life that we overlook and take for granted, without paying it much attention or thought. Taking the time to learn about these things makes you view life from a totally different perspective. There's awe, appreciation, respect, enthusiasm, excitement, amazement, inquisition. The world really is a phenomenal place, and I know that Brian agrees with me there. 
Any Brian Cox documentary series is a must watch if you're even remotely interested in science! His new one, Forces of Nature, is just brilliant.

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